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Resumen de Euskararen erabilera areagotzeko plangintzak enpresa-mailan

Xabier Elortza, Alex Mungia, Mariaje Jauregi, Tere Barrenetxea, Josean Urdangarin Arrizabalaga, Maite Abarrategi

  • español

    Among the different attempts made to bring the Basque language to the working environment, the reinforcing-strategy thought for factories has shown its first results. There are several projects at the moment which are being carried out in three economic sectors, all of them being held by HPIN, HABE and ELHUYAR cultural committees. There are some steps which have to be taken before starting a plan. All the sections of the enterprise and the consulting group get in touch. They discuss the goals and the means and then an appropriate strategy is thought for that enterprise in particular. Information is the pillar of the activities so very special attention is paid to it while the plan is being designed and completed. It has proved very efficient the communication-net training system. The aim of this system is that workers will identify their needs and lacks when using Basque at work and will think out consequent projects to improve their capacity.

  • euskara

    Lan-mundua euskalduntzeko egiten ari diren saioen artean, enpresetan euskararen erabilera areagotzeko plangintzak eman ditu lehenengo urratsak. Hiru sektore ekonomikoetan bada HPIN, HABE eta ELHUYAR kultur elkartearen laguntzaz eta babesaz aurrera doan proiekturen bat. Proiektu hauen plangintzari ekiterakoan urrats jakin batzuk ematen dira. Urrats hauen bidez, hartu-emanetan jartzen dira talde teknikoa eta enpresako alderdi ezberdinak. Asmoak argitu eta bitartekoak zeintzuk diren baloratu ondoren, plan adostua osatzera iristen da. Plana diseinatu eta mamitu bitartean, arreta bereziz zaintzen da informazioaren arloa, informazioa baita burutuko diren eginkizunen oinarria. Laneko trebakuntzarako komunikazio-zirkuluen sistema oso eraginkorra suertatu da. Sistema honen bidez, langileak beraiek dira, dituzten premiak eta gabeziak identifikatuta, lanean euskararen erabilera indartzeko proiektuak lantzen dituztenak.

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