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Resumen de Arrasateko Euskalan (AED) Taldearen historia eta balorazioa

Joxe Etxeberria, Juan Luis Arexolaleiba

  • español

    The AED association whose main goal is to normalize the Basque language and culture is getting more and more known in the Basque Country. It has carried out several activities - ‘Arrasate Press’ magazine, literature contests,... - which have turned out to be very successful. Nevertheless, this association is still missing a r ecognition for the work it does to spur people to use the Basque language. It is in this area where the article ‘Euskalan (AED) taldea’ focuses. Here you can read about the process of how to stimulate the use of the Basque language at the work site, together with some opinions and a brief history of this experience.

  • euskara

    Entzutetsua egiten ari da Euskal Herrian AED elkartea. Arrasaten euskara eta euskal kultura normalizatzea helburutzat duen Elkarte honek bideratutako hainbat ekimen - Arrasate Press aldizkaria, literatur lehiaketak,...- lortu duten arrakasta dela eta, aski ezagunak badira ere, ez da hainbeste ezaguna AEDk kultur arloarekin batera bideratzen duen sentsibilizazio lana; hau da, euskararen erabilerarako "akuilu" lana. Sentsibilizazio arlo honetan kokatzen dugu zenbaki honen artikulu batetan aztertzen den Euskalan (AED) taldea. Lan-munduan euskara sustatzeko esperientzia apal baten historia, dinamika eta gogoetak gertutik ezagutzeko aukera eman nahi dizugu artikuluan.

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