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Resumen de Euskal Unibertsitateranzko bidean kontutan hartu beharreko ohar batzu

José Ramón Etxebarria Bilbao

  • euskara

    Helburu modura Euskal Unibertsitatearen eraiketa jarririk, gauden egoeratik abiatuz oraingo erakunde eta antolakuntza unibertsitarioen oztopoak analizatu dira lehenengo hiru ataletan, zehazki, espainiar eta frantziar estatuetako legeak eta sistema funtzionariala oztopo nagusitzat hartuz, eta oraingo UPV/EHU deritzon unibertsitate publikoaren transformazioaz Euskal Unibertsitaterik sor ez daitekeela tesi modura jarriz. Hurrengo ataletan egitura zaharren bestekaldean dagokeen Euskal Unibertsitatea berria izango dela argudiatu da, beraren ezaugarri batzuren aipamena eginez eta lorpenerako zenbait bide iradokiz.

  • English

    Difficulties in the present university organism and organization have been analyzed in the first three sections having as a starting point the situation nowadays and as an aim the construction of the Basque university. We particulary took into consideration as main difficulties, the official system and laws of the Spanish and French States and the basis of our thesis is that it is not possible to build up a Basque university from the transformation of the state university now called UPV/EHU. In the following sections it is discussed whether the Basque university; which is likely to be completely different to that of the old structure, will be a new one; some of its characteristics and ways of achieving success have been mentioned.

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