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Resumen de Application and success of R&D subsidies: what is the role of firm age?

Agustí Segarra i Blasco, Mercedes Teruel Carrizosa

  • This article evaluates the propensity of firms to apply for R&D public grants, their capacity for obtaining subsides and how these relate to the firm age. This analysis is particularly relevant in understanding why young firms may be more or less successful in their application for public subsidies. Using data from an extensive database of 19,236 firms in Catalonia, we estimate a maximum likelihood probit model with sample selection. Our results show that firm age does not exert a significant direct impact on the application propensity in R&D public call, but younger firms tend to show a larger propensity to receive an R&D subsidy. They also show that firm age exerts a moderating role through different internal resources. They highlight the need to design R&D public policies that explicitly favour applications by young firms to help overcome their obstacles to innovation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

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