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Resumen de Consideración y estudio del fenómeno turístico

Jaime H. Sampelayo

  • español

    El artículo analiza la evolución de los estudios sobre turismo al mismo tiempo que ofrece una visión panorámica de los aspectos relativos a esta actividad, refiriéndose también a los procedimientos utilizados por los investigadores para su proyección y contribución en esta materia. El estudio del fenómeno turístico conlleva un profundo análisis interdisdiplinar que debe ser coordinado. Así, el autor analiza los Centros Superiores dedicados al estudio sobre el turismo, cuya doble misión es por un lado la recopilación de las investigaciones sobre este campo en forma de publicaciones periódicas y la formación turística a través de cursos o seminarios.

  • English

    This survey analyses the evolution of tourism studies offering at the same time a •panoramic view of the various aspects involved. We are adverted on the pursuits of the researdh and some of the numerous entries on this subject.

    The author submits the motivation of these studies while pointing out how they should be carried on in our times. A description is mentioned of the taSks rendered by experts in tourism. The study af this matter comports a thorough connexion of interdisciplinary research work, the development oí which must be subjected to coordínate observation.

    An account follows on the centers engaged in Touristic Sénior Studies which accomplish a double task. Wdth their research labour brought in by way of continued and systematical periodicals or documentary series on one side and the specific training and educational mission granted by means o>f courses or seminarial work on the other. Reference is given of the International Associations which aim the study of tourism. The present article ends with brief considerations about communication and team work as well as on the important role plaiyed by Congresses and Gatherings contrasting and rendering the varíed problematics of tourism.

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