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Resumen de Maintaining ties: Russian-speaking communities in Germany and Norway

Ekaterina Bagreeva, German Mednzheritskiy

  • Russian-speaking migrant communities in Germany and Norway share a large part of a common history during the time of the Soviet Union, and each community has developed their unique ways of interaction in and with the accepting society. The article focuses on the main areas for communication between Russian-speaking migrants in Germany and Norway, as well as the wish to maintain contact with ones’ home country. As the question of maintaining ones identity as well as the vitality of these communities is strongly linked to its members’ wish to maintain their common language, these aspects were covered in particular through the study. The article uses a combined research method consisting of a quantitative and qualitative part. The findings indicate that while the groups are different from each other, particularly in their demographic composition, distribution and communication patterns, they do possess some similarities for example having common elements defining and retaining their cultural heritage and approaches towards maintaining the Russian language.

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