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Resumen de Una deuda pendiente en las ciencias humanas: la inclusión de los aportes de la genética y la biología evolucionista

María Natalia Zavadivker

  • An ongoing debt in the human sciences: to incorporate the genetic and evolutionary approachesThis article aims to push forward the importance to human and social sciences of genetics of behavior and evolutionary biology knowledge. We do this in order to advance towards an interdisciplinary approach to social phenomena that do not ignore or dismiss their biological roots. It begins with an analysis of the reasons for such denial within the dominant discourse in the human sciences. We present next some recent advances in behavior genetics, molecular biology and evolutionary biology that may overcome the traditional dichotomy heredity-environment. We posit instead their necessary complementarity and interaction. Various forms of such correlation are exposed and we apply theoretical tools to analyze the fundamental causes to individual, social, cultural and ethnic differences, emphasizing the multiplier or inhibitory effect that the environment can have on the genetic potential.

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