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Resumen de Zur Bedeutung der Reformation

Mathias Schmoeckel

  • Deutsch

    Inhalt: I. Einleitung. - Il. Die Konzeptionen des Volkerrechts, S. 320, l. "Erfindung des Volkerrechts", 2. Das Volkerrecht als Gemeinschaft im Recht, 3. Woodrow Wilson und der Volkerbund. - III. Subjektive Menschenrechte als Verpflichtungen der Staaten, S. 334, 1. Subjektivierung der Rechte vor Luther, 2. Grundrechte bei den Reformatoren?, 3. Einschrankung der Gesetzgebungskompetenz. - IV. Recht aufBildung, S. 344, l. Melanchthon, der Praeceptor Germaniae, 2. Erziehung als Ptlicht der Eltem, 3. Bildung als Recht der Kinder. - V. Schluss, S. 356

  • English

    The Importance 01 the Protestant Reformation: It might be difficult for so me lawyers to accept the intluence of theology on law, but in a Europe forged by the Christian faith its basic assumptions necessarily had an intluence on law. The most important contribution of the Protestant Reformation may be its epistemology, which modernised European science and also its jurisprudence. With the end of the Cburch as the single institution establishing justice and truth, every single person had the opportunity to define what was just and equitable. This paper concentrates on the impact of the Protestant Reformation on intemational public law, which was conceived at Wittenberg in the 1530s as a device to impose rules between kings and states regardless of their confession. The hope of ameliorating intemational relations or even of establishing perpetual peace through law is an assumption, which we already find in Melanchthon's writings. This relies on tbe optimistic premise that good rules explain how to behave correctly and that people can leam from the law. In the 20th century, children themselves became bolders of the right to-education, which demonstrates this confidence of the Protestant Reformation in our time. - Keywords: Law and religion, Reformation and Law, Law ofNations, Education, Epistemology, Reformation and Human Rights, Melanchthon, Calvin.

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