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Resumen de Curso MOOC para fomentar el desarrollo de competencias digitales en estudiantes universitarios y autodidactas

Marcella Solange Prince, Mariana Figueroa, Joaquín Antonio Martínez, Manuel Izquierdo

  • español

    Este proyecto diseñó e implementó un MOOC, con el objetivo de encontrar respuesta a ¿Cómo el uso de los REA promueve el desarrollo de competencias básicas digitales en alumnos de nivel superior de tres universidades de México y una de Venezuela y de autodidactas ubicados en distintos países de América?, mediante el uso de la herramienta BlackBoard en su versión gratuita de CourseSites se elaboró el REA. La duración del curso fue de quince días, para diseminar en tres unidades de trabajo, el conocimiento respecto al desarrollo de habilidades digitales de búsqueda y filtración de información gráfica, elección y reutilización de imágenes respectando los derechos de autor; para la recolección de datos se realizaron entrevistas a estudiantes, profesores, un experto en REA y un experto en diseño y se analizaron datos de la bitácora, contrastándolos con la teoría. Los resultados muestran las dificultades que se pueden presentar en la implementación de un curso MOOC y que, el grado de apropiación de las herramientas tecnológicas, deviene de su utilización no solo socialmente sino de su utilización en forma sistemática en el proceso de actividades académicas o de aprendizaje autónomo, y en consecuencia el desarrollo de competencias digitales.

  • English

    The aim of this project was to design and implement a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). The objective was to determine how the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) in academic projects promotes the development of basic digital competencies of university students from three public Mexican universities and one private Venezuelan university. The general objective was to design an OER, which consists of four-week course to disseminate knowledge among university students and self-educated people in order to develop basic digital competencies, specifically, searching and filtering graphic information, selecting and reusing correctively images taking into consideration Copyright. This study sought if it was possible to develop the competencies and abilities to use digital information correctly, by using the Project Based Learning (PBL) in an educational OER context; different sources were reviewed and classified into three different fields of study; online learning, its link and the innovation in educational-professional development, digital competencies and the studies on the field. The methodology implemented was the Case Based Learning, which is qualitative. Some interviews to students, teacher, experts and designers were conducted, information obtained from teacher logs and different important information obtained from the online course were analyzed and contrasted with what the fields of study of this project state. The preliminary results obtained show that the use of OER promotes basic digital competencies development, such as the correct search and selection of images. In addition, when a student knows and has relevant information, which can be used as a scaffolding to construct new knowledge, it is easier to develop the ability to analyze that information. The digital competence to evaluate information can be stimulated by the use of OER and by taking a MOOC course, which allows the development of the student´s autonomy to enhance their abilities to analyze, synthesize and to express information accurately and responsibly.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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