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Resumen de Presencia del Alogrupo de Figols en las turbiditas de la base del Grupo de Hecho (Barranco del Sorrosal, Prov. de Huesca).

Eduard Remacha Grau, Carles Raimat Quintana, Oriol Oms Llobet, Omar Darío Cardona Arboleda, E. Mutti

  • The turbidite equivalent of the Figols Allogroup can be recognized at the base of the Hecho Croup. Three depositional sequences -Figols 11 2 and 3- are recorded and are organized in third order stages of growth. AII the sequences have similar features in the first stage. Lower boundaries are tectonically induced. A sudden zonal basinward shifting occurs and depositional systems (Iobes) are developed. Second and third stages are well developed in Figols 2 and 3. The second stages record a strong and progressive landward shifting in both systems and the third stages are the basinal expression of the foreland carbonate ramps.

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