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Resumen de El límite Cretácico/Terciario con foraminíferos planctónicos en Osinaga y Músquiz (Navarra, Pirineos).

Ignacio Arenillas Sierra, José Antonio Arz Sola, Eustoquio Molina Martínez

  • High resolution planktic foraminiferal biostratigraphy across the K/T boundary at Osinaga and Músquiz (Navarre, Pyrenees) allows us to recognise a small hiatus located just at the boundary. The hiatus affects the uppermost part of the P. hariaensis Bizone, the Gb. cretacea Biozone and the lowermost part of the Pv. eugubina Biozone, being smaller at Osinaga than at Músquiz. Due to the hiatus the planktic foraminifera extintion model seems to be more catastrophic than in other more continuous sections.

Fundación Dialnet

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