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Resumen de Larrabetzuko testuen prosodiaz

Iñaki Gaminde Terraza, Ursua Gaminde, Ander Olalde Bustinza, Aintzane Etxebarria Lejarreta

  • English

    In this paper the prosodic groups, pause types, ending tones, and speech speed in texts from Larrabetzu are studied taking into account the influence of age and gender. In order to carry out the research, twelve participants took part, six of which were middle-aged people and the other six were young people. All of them were required to explain a comic in such a way that the pseudo-free technique of guided texts could be applied. The collected corpus was transcribed and labeled using Praat program, and for the implementation of the quantitative study, that is, to specify whether there were significant potential differences among informants, the nonparametric MannWhitney U test was run through SPSS package. Finally, we obtained the following results: considering age, there are differences in the length of the prosodic groups and pause types. On the other hand, considering the ending tone and the speech speed, the differences are small regarding the studied variables.

  • euskara

    Lan honetan Larrabetzuko testuen talde prosodikoak, eten motak, muga-tonuak eta hizketa-abiada aztertzen dira, horretarako kontuan hartzen da adinaren eta generoaren eragina. Azterketa burutzeko hamabi informatzailek parte hartu dute, horietatik sei edadekoak eta sei gazteak izan dira eta komiki bat azaltzeko eskatu zaie, era horretan testu gidatuen teknika sasi askea aplikatu da. Jasotako corpusa Praat programaren bidez transkribatu eta etiketatu da eta azterketa kuantitatiborako, hau da, informatzaileen arteko balizko aldeak esanguratsuak diren zehazteko, SPSS programaren bidez Mann-Whitney U proba ez parametrikoa aplikatu da. Azkenik, ondorio hauek atera dira: adina kontuan hartuta, badaude ezberdintasunak talde prosodikoen luzeran nahiz eten motetan; muga-tonua eta hizketaabiada aintzat hartuta, berriz, aldeak txikiak dira aldagaien arabera.

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