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Resumen de Glomospirella cantabrica n. sp., and other benthic foraminifera from Lower Cretaceous Urgonian-type carbonates of Cantabria, Spain: biostratigraphic implications

F. Schlagintweit, Idoia Rosales, María Najarro de la Parra

  • A new benthic foraminifer is described as Glomospirella cantabrica n. sp. from several sections of the Upper Aptian Reocín Formation and one occurrence in the lowermost Albian Las Peñosas Formation of Cantabria (northern Spain). It represents a rather large-sized Glomospirella with up to eight planispiral whorls observed in lagoonal wackestones and packstones. The Upper Aptian (Late Gargasian-Clansayesian) age of the Reocín Formation is indicated by the co-occurrence with other benthic foraminifers, i.e., orbitolinids. Further data for the biostratigraphy of the Aptian-p.p. Albian shallow-water carbonates of the North Cantabrian Basin are provided. The rareness of dasycladalean green algae in these deposits is also highlighted.

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