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Figuração insólita de personagens: exemplos nos Casos do Beco das Sardinheiras, de Mário de Carvalho

    1. [1] Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

      Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro


  • Localización: Brumal. Revista de Investigación sobre lo Fantástico / Brumal. Research Journal on the Fantastic, ISSN-e 2014-7910, Vol. 4, Nº. 1, 2016 (Ejemplar dedicado a: The Fantastic in the New Golden Age of Television (1999-2015) / coord. por Susana Tosca, Rubén Sánchez Trigos, Alfonso Cuadrado Alvarado), págs. 173-188
  • Idioma: español
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • Uncommon character figuration: examples in Casos do Beco das Sardinheiras by Mário de Carvalho
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • English

      The Portuguese writer Mario de Carvalho, through both his textual beings—particularly in his Casos do Beco das Sardinheiras— as well as in responses in interviews he gave, refers sometimes to the dimensions of Latin American magical realism which were in vogue at the beginning of the second half of the twentieth century, and to his need to leave the territory of «minor literature», thus announcing a retirement from fantasy literature that he was in fact never never able to achieve. With comings and goings, lengthy passages, tangents, shamelessness and pretenses, the writer ends up producing a fictional work that can be said to be representative of the new fantastic discourses, those that manifest themselves in aspects of the modern or contemporary fantastic. In Casos do Beco das sardinheiras (1st edition, 1982), Mario de Carvalho constructs possible worlds immersed in the Fictional Uncommon with space, time, characters, and actions inconsistent with the architecture of semionarrative-literary real-naturalistic literary standards, cracking, fracturing, and breaking with the paradigms of established and institutionalized common sense. This reading shall highlight, among the narrative building strategies that contribute to the outbreak of the fantastic in this unusual organic collection of short stories, figuration – the fabrication of characters – as an exemplary protocol of its fantastic poetics, shedding light on the process of fabrication of two characters: Zé Metade and Andrade before Mula, after Moon.

    • português

      Mário de Carvalho, tanto através de seus seres de papel, em Casos do Beco das Sardinheiras, quanto em entrevistas, anunciou seu afastamento da literatura fantástica, mas nunca conseguiu fazê-lo. Em Casos do Beco das Sardinheiras (1ª edição, 1982), elabora mundos possíveis imersos no insólito ficcional, com espaços, tempos, personagens e ações incoerentes com os padrões arquitetônicos do sistema semio-narrativo-literário real-naturalista, fissurando, fraturando, rompendo com os paradigmas do senso comum instituído e estatuído. De suas estratégias de construção narrativa que colaboram para a irrupção do insólito nesse conjunto orgânico de contos, destacar-se-á, para a presente leitura, a figuração – fabricação das personagens – como protocolo exemplar de sua poética fantástica, iluminado os procedimentos de fabricação de duas personagens: Zé Metade e Andrade, antes da Mula, depois da Lua.

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