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Resumen de Dinámicas capitalistas para la acumulación por despojo

Adrián Vilchis Onofre, Lilia Zizumbo Villarreal, Neptalí Monterroso Salvatierra, Emilio Gerardo Arriaga Alvarez, Alejandro Palafox Muñoz

  • español

    El capitalismo se ha valido históricamente de transformaciones para salir de las crisis inmanentes a su lógica, lo cual ha requerido refuncionalizar elementos de modo que le permitan expandirse. La naturaleza es clave en este proceso de maximizar ganancias y encontrar nuevas formas de acumulación, convirtiéndola en una mercancía. En este artículo se analiza el proceso que da origen y reproduce dichas formas de acumulación. El abordaje se da a través de la propuesta de tres dinámicas: penetración, subsunción y cercamientos. Mediante estas dinámicas se muestra la capacidad del sistema capitalista de adaptarse y expandirse para la obtención de ganancias incluso en época de crisis.----Capitalism has used historically of transformations to emerge from the crisis immanent to its logic, which has required re use elements that will enable it to expand. Nature is key in this process of maximizing profits and find new forms of accumulation, turning it into a commodity. This article discusses the process that gives rise and reproduces these forms of accumulation. The approach is given through the proposal of three dynamics: penetration,subsumption, and enclosures. Through these dynamics demonstrates the ability of the capitalist system adapt and expand to obtain profits even in times of crisis.

  • English

    Capitalism has used historically of transformations to emerge from the crisis immanent to its logic, which has required re use elements that will enable it to expand. Nature is key in this process of maximizing profits and find new forms of accumulation, turning it into a commodity. This article discusses the process that gives rise and reproduces these forms of accumulation. The approach is given through the proposal of three dynamics: penetration, subsumption, and enclosures. Through these dynamics demonstrates the ability of the capitalist system adapt and expand to obtain profits even in times of crisis

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