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Resumen de "Hurt Right Down the Middle... But Alive and Well": Healing in Toni Morrison's "Home"

Manuela López Ramírez

  • español

    Las novelas de Toni Morrison pueden ser interpretadas como historias de trauma y curación En Home, Morrison desmitifica los años 1950, cuando los negros todavía sufrían extrema violencia y odio racial Los traumas personales y colectivos de los afro-americanos remontan a los tiempos de la esclavitud Morrison describe los viajes curativos de sus personajes, de víctimas dañadas a la auto-suficiencia e integridad, utilizando elementos claves de esta recuperación, como son el relato, la re-memoria, una comunidad acogedora, la naturaleza, etc. Al final de la novela, Frank and Cee, que arrastran la carga de un pasado ominoso, experimentan cambio y curación

  • English

    Toni Morrison’s novels can be read as stories of trauma and healing In Home, Morrison wants to demystify the 1950s, a time when blacks still suffered extreme violence and racial hatred African Americans underwent both personal and collective traumas dated back to the time of slavery Morrison depicts the restorative journeys of her characters from damaged victims towards self-sufficient and whole individuals. She deploys key elements of their recuperative process, such as storytelling, re-memorying, a supportive community, nature, etc By the end of the novel, Frank and Cee, who carry the burden of an ominous past, experience healing and change

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