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Resumen de La ética del discurso teológico

Juan Stam

  • español

    El conocido teólogo costarricense nos ofrece un artículo en el que aborda la ética del discurso teológico a partir de su propio peregrinaje y las referencias al pensamiento de Hans Küng, Karl Barth y otros teólogos. Formula críticas al fundamentalismo y su tendencia al absolutismo; enfatiza que no hay ética del discurso teológico sin un compromiso personal y corporativo con Jesucristo.

  • English

    The well-known theologian born in Costa Rica, provide us an article in which he deals with ethic status of theological speech, starting with his own travelling and references to the thought of Hans Küng, Karl Barth, among others. He criticizes the fundamentalism and its tendency to absolutism; making emphasis in the fact that there is no ethic status of theological speech without being personal and corporative committed to Jesus Christ.

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