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Resumen de O que vale é a intenção… Texto, contexto, autor e linguagem na perspectiva de Quentin Skinner

Ana Crhistina Vanali, Monica Helena Harrich Silva Goulart

  • English

    This article presents an analysis of the theoretical contributions of the historian Quentin Skinner to think about the practice of intellectual history. From reading some of his main texts seek to understand the core issues underlying the program of study known as "Contextualism Language". The focus of the analysis is focused on the development of some of the theoretical assumptions prepared by Quentin Skinner. Is not concerned with the exhibition of "alternative models" of text interpretation or analysis of the criticism of the linguistic contextualism, one passes in review only the elements that make up the core of interpretive theory texts. In this sense, we discuss the assumptions to the author are useful to those who are engaged in realizing the differences and particularities of normative vocabulary.

  • português

    Esse artigo elabora uma análise das contribuições teóricas do historiador Quentin Skinner para se pensar a prática da história intelectual. A partir da leitura de alguns de seus principais textos procuro compreender as questões centrais que fundamentam o programa de estudo conhecido como “Contextualismo Linguístico”. 

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