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Resumen de Assistencialismo e regressividade profissional no serviço social

José Paulo Netto

  • English

    The consolidation of Social Work, operated during the term of the Welfare State, propitiated to their professionals the exercise of an assistive action differentiated from the assistive intervention. In the contemporary frame the exponentiation of the “social question”, simultaneous with the erosion of social rights implemented during Welfare and in the mark of a systemic crisis from the dominant social order, conditions for a return to the assistentialist references are placed, conditions wich favor regressions in the professional dynamic

  • português

    A consolidação do Serviço Social, operada durante a vigência do Welfare State, propiciou aos seus profissionais o exercício da ação assistencial diferenciada da intervenção assistencialista. No quadro contemporâneo da exponenciação da “questão social”, simultânea à erosão dos direitos sociais implementados durante o Welfare e no marco de uma crise sistêmica da ordem social dominante, estão postas as condições para um retorno aos referenciais assistencialistas, condições favorecedoras de regressões na dinâmica profissional. The consolidation of Social Work, operated during the term of the Welfare State, propitiated to their professionals the exercise of an assistive action differentiated from the assistive intervention. In the contemporary frame the exponentiation of the “social question”, simultaneous with the erosion of social rights implemented during Welfare and in the mark of a systemic crisis from the dominant social order, conditions for a return to the assistentialist references are placed, conditions wich favor regressions in the professional dynamic. Palavras-chave/ KeywordsServiço social, Crise sistémica do capital, AssistencialismoSocial work, Capital systemic crisis, Assistencialism

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