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Resumen de Il ‘vasaio geloso’.: Riflessioni intorno al Kerameus nel vi sec. a.C.

Maria Grazia Palmieri

  • Since the 1970s many scholars tried to investigate the role of craftsmen in the Greek society and the perception of the Greeks for their artisans. Therefore, though far from being clarified, this topic lost the scholars’ attention. The term kerameus, used to designate the specific work of the potter, rarely recurs in the Greek epigraphic corpus. It seems to have made its appearence during the Sixth Century B.C., to be associated with other evident traces among which are spots of tools. The scope of this paper is to review the first occurrencies of the term kerameus, in both the literary and epigraphic sources, and to analyse the epigraphic sources in relation to the archaeological context of recovery.

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