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Resumen de Guillaume de Leus, commentateur du "Liber de causis"

Delphine Carron Faivre

  • This article presents the unedited commentary on the Liber de causis by the Dominican Guillaume de Leus, who was active beteween the end of the thirteenth and the beginning of the fourteenth century and was promoted to Master of Theology in 1309. After a reconstruction of Guillaume's biography, the article provides a survey of his works and proposes their dates, with a special focus on his Exposicio in Librum de causis. The article contains a description of the manuscript (Città del Vaticano, BAV, Cod. Borgh. 352) that preserves the work. Finally, the article describes the commentary, its literary genre, scope, implicit and explicit sources and its prologue. An Appendix presents a list of questions that are associated with the individual propositions as well as an edition of the dedicatory letter, of the exposition of the method, and of the prologue.

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