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Resumen de The Compatibility of Exit Tax Legislation Applicable to Corporate Taxpayers in France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and The United Kingdom with the EU Freedom of Establishment � Part 2

Frank Pötgens, Pieter Van Os, Pierre Henri Durand, Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot, Aliénor Dony, Matthias Scheifele, Günter P. Wagner, Andrea Silvestri, Lucia Lancellotti, Filipe Romao, António Castro Caldas, Paulo Pichel, Guillermo Canalejo Lasarte, David López Pombo, Tony Beare

  • This three-part article discusses the compatibility of exit tax legislation applicable to corporate taxpayers in France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom with the EU freedom of establishment, especially in the light of the ECJ�s landmark National Grid decision. In part 1, which was published in the previous Intertax issue, the authors scrutinized whether a company transferring its tax residence or effecting an outbound cross-border conversion has access to Articles 49 and 54 TFEU under the laws of the Member State. It also addressed whether these laws restrict Article 49, and, if so, whether the restriction can be justified and is appropriate to ensure the attainment of its objective. Part 2 provides a general overview of the proportionality test in connection with exit tax legislation under Articles 49 and 54 TFEU, and subsequently discusses whether the exit tax legislation in France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands is proportional. Part 3 of this article, to be published in the next Intertax issue, reviews whether the exit tax legislation in Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom is proportional, addresses which other transactions the ECJ�s exit tax principles apply to, and provides conclusions and recommendations.

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