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Resumen de Influencias de los valores culturales en la mercadotecnia de servicios del automóvil

Alexander Fraß, José Albors Garrigós, Klaus Peter Schoeneberg, Ángel Peiró Signes

  • español

    Un factor importante en los servicios, en general, son los valores asociados a la cultura. Sin embargo, no existe suficiente literatura académica en este campo. Este trabajo enfoca estas limitaciones utilizando un modelo de valores culturales- el de Schwartz- para desarrollar un enfoque útil de instrumentación de estos valores. Estos se modelan como variables externas, para subrayar aquellos que son realmente relevantes. El trabajo se basa en una encuesta a clientes de talleres post venta en China de automóviles. Así, se evalúan los factores críticos de éxito, mediante modelos de ecuaciones estructurales de mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS)

  • English

    After-sales services have become very important in the automobile industry. However, this area has not been sufficiently researched, particularly with regard to China, the most important car market globally. In this respect, German manufacturers play a leading role because they dominate the premium market segment. When it comes to services, the one thing that is especially important in China is culture. At the same time, this is exactly where a scientific gap exists because the cultural aspect in automotive services has been mostly neglected in the research literature. Thus, specific knowledge with regard to Chinese service demand behaviour is lacking, which could become a crucial issue because of the enormous differences between Chinese and Western cultures. This paper addresses this limitation by providing a guideline for how the entire process chain of after-sales services could be researched in China. In addition, it also introduces Schwartz’s individual level value theory as a beneficial operationalisation approach to culture. Thereby, values are modelled as exogenous variables in order to show which ones are really causal. This significant advantage cannot be provided by national comparison studies, which are the ones that are most often conducted. A total of 301 Chinese workshop customers of Audi, BMW and Mercedes-Benz were surveyed in order to assess the critical success factors of after-sales services via partial least squares structural equation modelling

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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