Kale-arteizenezulertzenduguna askotariko jardueren interesek zeharkaturik agertzen da, Donostia Zinemaldiaren 58. edizioan Bansky-rena omen zen muralak sortu harrabotsak ageriko utzi zuenez. Artikulu honetan, eta Ideia Beltzen Brigada kolktiboaren lanean nahiz kale-artearen egungo egoeran oinarrituz, kudeatu beharreko marka bilakatu diren hirietan kulturari atxiki dioten balioa azalduko da
During the 58th edition of the International Film Ferstival of San Sebastian, a grafiti whose authorship was attributed to Bansky created quite a controversy, proving the idea that what we understand by "street-art" is shaped by multiple intrsecting interests. Based on the work by Brigada Beltzen Kolektiboa and the current situation of street art, this article explains the definition of "culture" that has prevailed in the so-called branded cities
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