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Resumen de Le scrupule esthétique: Que devient la réflexivité dans les fictions contemporaines?

Dominique Viart

  • Reflexivity is one of the main features of modern literatures, as they are focused on formal experimentation. However, what do such meta-literary practices become when literature turns again to face external objects? Are these practices dismissed, transformed, shifted? Our analysis reveals that we can pinpoint some playful forms of reflexivity that have a relationship of merry nostalgia with the literary heritage, as well as more critical forms aiming for the deepest match between the object to be expressed and the chosen expression. Marked by both ethical concerns and a certain aesthetic disquietude, such works, which we will name “critical fictions”, question literary history and interrogate their own writing practice, thus guiding us from the “age of suspicion” to the age of scruple.

    € 7.00

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