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Resumen de Digitally Planned and Fabricated Mandibular Fixed Complete Dentures.: Part 2. Prosthodontic Phase

Mathew T. Kattadiyil, Charles J. Goodacre, Jaime Lozada, Antoanela Garbacea

  • Part 1 of this patient report described a prosthetically driven protocol that used computer-aided engineering for the fabrication of a mandibular conversion denture and maxillary provisional complete denture using the AvaDent Digital Denture system. The report demonstrated that this system combined with NobelClinician implant-planning software can be used to efficiently convert a digital denture into an immediately loaded provisional implant-supported fixed complete denture (hybrid prosthesis). Part 2 of the patient report describes the technique and steps involved in the fabrication of a digitally planned and fabricated mandibular fixed complete denture with incorporated titanium milled bar opposed by a definitive computer-aided design/computer-assisted manufacture–milled maxillary complete denture.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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