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Resumen de Las rocas albíticas (albititas) del Norte de Lugo y Asturias (zona asturoccidental leonesa)

J. Roel

  • During the realization ofthe project "Study of the Galician's felspars" made by ITGE in this autonomous region, we studied the deposits of sodic felspar (Albite) worked in the distrit of Foz-Barreiros (N of Lugo). There are sorne confusion about the origin and type of lithology of these kind of rocks. In old geologic-mining studies and in recent publications (1991, 1992) about industrial rocks and mineral resources on the felspars, they allude to several origins (pegmatites, dykes or sills of sodic felspar, feldespatic sands, metasomatism) wich don't explain satisfactorily all the facts we have about the albititic rocks. The end of this work is to place the albititic rocks in the regional geological context, to propound an alternative genetic hypothesis related with the Cambrian volcanism, and to review the main deposits in the studied areas.

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