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Resumen de Intérêts de l'utilisation des décapages lors des fouilles archéologiques pour l'étude des restes de petits vertébrés

Aurélien Royer

  • The remains of small vertebrates are generally recorded and analyzed according to archaeological levels defined during excavations. As a consequence, the study of such assemblages is influenced by these predefined levels, creating possible analytical biases and errors in the characterization of biostratigraphical units. The study of small vertebrate assemblages from Olha 1 (Pyrénées-Atlantiques), Les Pradelles (Charente) and Peyrazet (Lot) demonstrates the benefit of systematically recording detailed spatial information for these types of remains. Independent subdivisions (spits) defined by Cartesian coordinates allow independently defined biostratigraphical units to be correlated with litho- and archaeo-stratigraphy.

Fundación Dialnet

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