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Resumen de Eskriba eseria: entzute aktiboamusika inprobisatu librean

Jon Mantzisidor Uria

  • euskara

    Entzutearen garrantzia aktibitate gisa musikaren alorrean eta bereziki musika inprobisatua deritzon mugimenduan. Bat batean eta jendaurrean gertatzen den sormena denez, gainontzeko musikariek egiten dutena eta aretoko soinuak entzuteak berebiziko garrantzia dute. Ikerketa honen ardatza izan den kasu konkretua bi inprobisatzaile ezagunek, Keith Rowe eta Mattinek, 2009an emandako kontzertu bat izan zen. Entzute aktiboa esamoldea muturrera eramanaz, kontzertu horretan Mattinek ez zuen nota bakar bat ere jo, eta aulkian eserita geldirik, entzutera mugatu zen.

  • English

    This essay deals with the importance of active listening in music and; in particular; in free improvisation. Improvisation takes place before an audience; so that its creation and its exhibition occur simultaneously. The fact of listening is especially important within this music style; listening to other musicians but also listening to all the sounds inscribed in the room. This research focuses on a particular concert that took place in 2009 and that was played by two great improvisers: Keith Rowe and Mattin. In that concert Mattin took the well known “active listening” of free improvisation to an extreme; producing no sounds during the length of the concert and being; instead; sitting in silence; just listening.

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