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Euskara pasilloetan galduta: praktiken aldaketak eta hizkuntz mudantzak nerabezaroan

  • Autores: Jaime Altuna
  • Localización: Bat: Soziolinguistika aldizkaria, ISSN 1130-8435, Nº. 97, 2015 (Ejemplar dedicado a: VIII. Haurnartu Euskal Soziolinguistika Sariak), págs. 39-65
  • Idioma: euskera
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • English

      This paper presents a proposal for handling the changes that are taking place in language use among adolescents. On the basis of language anthropology and the ethnography of childhood and adolescence, we have conducted a piece of research together with six 13-year-olds of Donostia-San Sebastian with the aim of going further into the phenomenon of language shift among adolescents. From the starting point of the changes in the practices that take place among adolescents, we have tried to experiment with a new way of exploring the phenomenon of language changes by giving the group of youngsters prominence. Rather than specifically explaining language shift, we wanted to open up new paths starting from the reflections of the youngsters who have actively participated in the research. Having embarked on this path, we have reached the following conclusions: the changes taking place outside the schools are exerting greater weight than the ones taking place inside them; group identity is a feature that is highly important in the phenomenon in which Basque is rejected, and the trend in code switching is very high among adolescents.

    • euskara

      Artikulu honetan nerabeen hizkuntza-erabileran ematen diren aldaketei hurbiltzeko proposamen bat aurkezten da. Hizkuntzaren antropologian eta haurtzaro eta nerabezaroaren etnografian oinarriturik, Donostiako 13 urteko sei gazterekin batera ikerketa bat garatu dugu gaztetxoen hizkuntza-mudantza fenomenoan sakondu nahian. Nerabezaroan ematen diren praktiken aldaketetatik abiatuta, hizkuntza aldaketen fenomenoa aztertzeko bide berri bat esperimentatzen saiatu gara gaztetxoen kolektiboari protagonismoa emanez. Hizkuntza-mudantza zehazki azaldu baino, hausnarketa bide berriak ireki nahi izan ditugu ikerketan modu aktiboan parte hartu duten gazteen hausnarketatik abiatuta. Bide hori hartuta, ondorio hauetara iritsi gara: ikastetxean gertatzen diren aldaketak baino ikastetxetik kanpo geratzen direnak pisu handiagoa hartzen dutela; talde identitateak garrantzia handia duen ezaugarria dela euskarari uko egitearen fenomenoan eta kode aldaketarako joera oso handia dela nerabeen artean.

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