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Resumen de Antecedentes del debilitamiento institucional en Venezuela durante el gobierno de Luis Herrera Campins

Emmanuel Borgucci, Jennifer Fuenmayor

  • español

    Desde la década de 1970, el sistema político venezolano ha experimentado una serie de desafíos que crearían tensión entre sus principales actores estratégicos. La finalidad de este ensayo consiste en aportar una serie de evidencias de cómo el gobierno socialcristiano presidido por Luis Herrera Campos, entre los años 1979 a 1983, se caracterizó por la dificultad en darle continuidad a los compromisos y consensos desarrollados durante los primeros gobiernos de la etapa democrática.

  • English

    The Venezuelan political system was transiting its first two decades in a democratic system of government. However, since the seventies of the twentieth century began to experience a series of challenges that would create tension among major stakeholders. The government of Dr. Luis Herrera Campins (hereafter lhc) was to be the witness past and the mistakes of this administration weakened the political system ostensibly designed in the Pact of Puntofijo. The purpose of this paper is to provide a range of evidence on how the Social Christian government headed by lhc, from 1979 to 1983 was characterized by difficulty in giving continuity to the compromise and consensus developed during the firstgovernments in the democratic era.

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