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Resumen de How people with diabetes evaluate participation of their family in their health care

Aliny de Lima Santos, Sonia Silva Marcon

  • Objective. To understand how individuals with diabetes evaluatethe participation of their family in their health care. Methods. Thiswas a descriptive study with a qualitative approach involving 26individuals in the Diabetes Association of Maringá. Participatingin the study were 9 women and 17 men (age range, 38 to 83years) who had attended at least one educational meeting of the“culture circles” of the association. We used the methodologicalreference of Paulo Freire for implementing an educational proposaldirected at persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus that overcamethe limitations of conventional health education approaches. Datawere collected between May and July 2011. Testimonials given inmeetings were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed according tothematic structures. Results. Three thematic structures appeared:1) Recognizing the importance of family in the care of patientswith diabetes, 2) blaming the family for non-adherence to healthypractices, and 3) perceiving a secondary gain of the disease:feeling cared for by family members. Conclusion. Patients withdiabetes perceive family as a source of support and stimulus foradherence and healthy practice, which enable them to controlthe disease. Family participation in a patient’s care plan shouldbe encouraged.

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