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Resumen de Comunicación e Discapacidade: os roles no audiovisual.

Luis Barreiro Carballal

  • galego

    Dende a aparición do cine e despois da televisión, a discapacidade tivo unha presenza descontinua no desenvolvemento das tramas argumentais. Igualmente a motivación da presenza das persoas con discapacidade no audiovisual debeuse a motivacións diversas cando non contraditorias. Na actualidade, sen que os vellos estereotipos teñan desaparecido de todo o enfoque desta realidade social e persoal tense aberto un pouco mais, os personaxes son mais ricos e complexos, sendo fundamental para este cambio a labor do movemento asociativo como concienciador do conxunto da sociedade.

  • English

    Since the birth of cinema and later television, disability has had a discontinuous presence in the development of story lines. The motivation of the presence of disabled people on-screen has been due to various reasons, sometimes contradictory.

    At present, even though old stereotypes have not disappeared, the approaches to this social and personal reality have become more and more open and complex. At this respect, the associative movement has done essential work to raise awareness throughout society. This paper provides insight into the evolution of the roles played by people with disabilities throughout the history of cinema and television: it is the struggle for normalization maintained by this collective that changes the perception that films and shows convey

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