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Resumen de Ahozko euskara, ikerketarako unibertsoa

Inés María García Azkoaga

  • English

    On the basis of some selected pieces of research conducted on the Basque language, this article sets out, first of all, to draw attention to the complexity existing in specifying oral language as an object. As soon as we start to look at the examination and teaching of it, we soon become aware that there are different kinds of oralities, in other words, the subject can be tackled from various perspectives, and what is more, when orality is a medium as well, its capacities extend beyond its value in speaking. After working on the way it is handled as a teaching object linked to school as well as a medium, a number of challenges that are seen with the future in mind resulting from the collaboration between university and school come to the fore, such as the creating and experimenting with didactic sequences in formal and informal oral education, the in-depth study of oral text genres or, insofar as school is a player in language normalisation, the observation of oral Basque use within it.

  • euskara

    Euskararen gainean egin diren ikerketa aukeratu batzuetatik abiatuta, lan honek agerian jarri nahi du alde batetik, ahozko hizkuntza objektu moduan definitzeko dagoen konplexutasuna. Haren azterketari eta irakaskuntzari heldu bezain laster konturatzen gara askotariko ahozkotasunak daudela, ikuspegi desberdinetatik heldu dakiokeela gaiari, alegia, eta ahozkoak, gainera, bitartekoa denean ere, hitz egiteko duen baliotik harago doazela dituen ahalmenak. Eskolari lotuta irakaskuntzaren objektu zein bitarteko moduan eman diezaiokegun tratamenduaz aritu ondoren, etorkizunera begira unibertsitatearen eta eskolaren elkarlanaren eskutik ikusten diren zenbait erronka azpimarratzen dira, hala nola, ahozko irakaskuntza formalerako eta ez formalerako sekuentzia didaktikoak sortzea eta esperimentatzea, ahozko testu-generoen azterketan sakontzea, edo, eskola hizkuntzaren normalizazioaren eragile den neurrian, haren barruko ahozko euskaren erabilerari behatzea.

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