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Resumen de Study on the impact of the publication of the enhance trial results in a health area of spain

Eduardo Carracedo Martínez, Agustín Pía Morandeira

  • Background: ENHANCE trial results were published in April 2008, which showed a lack of efficacy of ezetimibe in reducing atherosclerosis. Time series studies found that after the publication of the results of ENHANCE the use of ezetimibe in Canada did not decrease but that in the United States of America the utilization of ezetimibe decreased.

    Objective: The aim of this study was to measure changes in the quantitative utilization of ezetimibe after the publication of the ENHANCE trial in an area of Spain.

    Method: Monthly ezetimibe defined daily doses per thousand inhabitants per day (DDD/TID) were calculated between early 2007􀀚 and April 2009􀀜 in a health area of Spain. Data were analysed graphically and via segmented regression analysis, in order to estimate the impact of the publication of ENHANCE trial results.

    Results: The graphical representation showed a long term rising trend in the utilization of ezetimibe measured as monthly number of DDD/TID, being such growth at the same pace throughout the whole study period. The relative growth in ezetimibe utilization throughout the whole study period was 60.18􀀈%, being the average monthly growth rate of 1.􀀚75% 􀀈 per month. Segmented regression analysis showed neither a statistically significant change in the immediate use of ezetimibe after the publication of the ENHANCE clinical trial, nor a statistically significant change in the slope of ezetimibe use after the same clinical trial (long-term impact).

    Conclusion: The publication of ENHANCE trial did not seem to influence ezetimibe utilization in Spain since its utilization continued to grow at the same rate than previously

Fundación Dialnet

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