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Resumen de Bovine TB: TB control strategy

John Blackwell

  • I WOULD like to challenge the assertion by some of our specialist species divisions that the BVA's recent position on controlled shooting as part of the badger cull policy is ‘inappropriate’ (VR, May 23, 2015, vol 176, pp 551-552).

    BVA's decision to withdraw support for the use of controlled shooting as part of the badger culling policy was taken by our Council following consultation with our committees (Ethics and Welfare Group and Veterinary Policy Group), our specialist divisions (including the British Cattle Veterinary Association, Sheep Veterinary Society and Pig Veterinary Society) and our wider membership.

    The Council was presented with two opposing but equally well-considered viewpoints. Our two standing committees and the two species divisions with a direct interest (BCVA and the British Veterinary Zoological Society) agreed with the need for badger culling to remain part of the comprehensive strategy to eradicate bovine TB, but their advice on the methodology was at variance. So the Council had a difficult and important job to weigh up the evidence, consider the different views and arrive at a position that was based on the available evidence and ethical considerations and also took account of BVA's previous statements on the issue....

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