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Resumen de What now for animal health?

  • WITH most of the speculation about the likely outcome of the General Election having turned out to be wrong, it is probably foolhardy to attempt to predict what the election of a Conservative majority Government will mean for veterinary activity and animal health and welfare, although given that animal health and welfare are not supposed to be party political issues, and with the direction of policy in this area having already been set under the Conservative/Liberal Democrat Coalition, it seems reasonable to anticipate more of the same. The Conservatives made some pretty firm commitments in their manifesto on much bigger issues such as the economy, membership of the EU and the future of the Union in the UK, and it seems unlikely that animal health and welfare will be top of their immediate priority list. Nevertheless, animal health and welfare will undoubtedly be affected by the Government's wider approach, and some animal health and welfare issues are pressing in themselves.

    Not least among these is bovine TB. On this, the Conservatives made the firmest commitment among the main parties standing in the election, promising to ‘implement our 25-year strategy to eradicate bovine TB’. In the …

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