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Resumen de Experimental 4s and 3d Energies in Atomic Ground States

James L. Bills

  • Experimental ionization energies I4s and I3d are listed for K[Ar]4s1, K[Ar]3d1, and Ca to Cu in the lowest states of M[Ar]4s23dn and M[Ar]4s13dn+1. In a plot comparing-I4s(4s23dn) with -I3d(4s13dn+1), the lower one selects the ground state. Features of that plot are explained with a plot of the corresponding Hartree-Fock (HF) minus valence-exchange energies. A new definition is given for the effective charge Zf. HF orbital energies. A new definition is given for the effective charge Zf. HF orbital energies ε4s and ε3d are used in concert with I4s and I3d to answer four questions: Why does the 4s sublevel fill before 3d? Why is ionization easier for 4s than 3d? When 4s23dn has ε3d < <Ι>ε4s, why doesn't 4s23dn −> 4s13dn+1? Why are Cr and Cu each 4s13dn+1 instead of 4s23dn?

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