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Resumen de Un aspecto poco investigado del Tesoro de la lengua castellana o española: La contribución de Covarrubias al estudio de los nombres de lugar

Stefan Ruhstaller Kuhne

  • In his Tesoro de la lengua castellana o española (1611) Sebastián de Covarrubias gathered hundreds of place names, etymological interpretations and historical data from different kinds of sources, with the intention of making the knowledge accumulated on the subject at that time easily accessible. This material is enriched by original etymological interpretations (of particular interest are those concerning proper names based on Castilian Spanish) and perceptive descriptions of specific toponomastic phenomena as well as phraseological and literary data. The analysis of numerous articles containing place names highlights, on the one hand, the strong interest in the topic at the time, and, on the other hand, Covarrubias’ distinctive working method and his contribution to a specific area of the history of Spanish linguistics.

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