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Resumen de Autoestima en jóvenes universitarios

Norma González Arratia López Fuentes, José Luis Valdez Medina, Javier Margarito Serrano García

  • español

    A partir de una muestra de 422 alumnos, divididos en tres grupos, se estudió la autoestima en jóvenes universitarios. Los resultados conducen a reflexionar acerca de la necesidad de integrar en la formación del psicólogo, alguna forma de asesoría psicológica que facilite los procesos de crecimiento personal y fomente la estabilidad psicológica de los estudiantes.

  • English

    The objective of this investigation was to study the self-esteem of students applying to study psychology at the university level, because it has been seen that self-esteem has a direct influence on the behavior of individuals.The study was carried out with 422 students between the ages of 18 and 28 years, divided in three groups: aspirants to a university education, students of second year psychology; and first year students. The results led us to reflect on the need to integrate, in the program of studies of psychology, some form of counseling (as an extracurricular activity) that would stimulate personal growth and foment psychological stability in students.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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