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Resumen de Origen y distribución de la ictiofauna de la Laguna de San Ignacio, Baja California Sur, México

José de la Cruz Agüero

  • español

    Se revisan las hipótesis de la historia geológica de la región, así como los modelos teóricos que pretenden explicar el origen, la distribución y las relaciones zoogeográficas de su ictiofauna.

  • English

    San Ignacio Lagoon is a coastal lagoon in the westcoast of Mexico that belongs to the largest protected area of the country: El Vizcaino Biosphere Reserve. Despite the outstanding ecological, bio-economical and landscape features of the zone, management of its resources is absent because there are few studies about them. The ichthyofauna has been studied to an alpha taxonomic level, but the icthhyological resources have several fields to be studied. The present work reviews the geological history and theoretical models for explaining the zoogeographical relationships, distribution and origin of inhabitant fishes of the lagoon. A conceptual model is presented to explain the origin and zoogeographic affinities of the ichthyofauna of San Ignacio Lagoon.

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