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Resumen de ¿Hace falta una política industrial en México?

Pablo Mejía Reyes

  • español

    Se presentan argumentos teóricos y empíricos para justificar la implementación de una política industrial en México. Se sostiene que las fallas de mercado vinculadas a la generación de tecnología y de barreras a la entrada y a la salida provocan rezagos tecnológicos, bajo nivel de competitividad internacional y concentración económica, lo que dificulta la inserción en la economía internacional y en la transmisión de los beneficios del crecimiento hacia un mayor bienestar en la población.

  • English

    This paper reports theoretical arguments and empirical evidence to support the implementation of an industrial policy in Mexico. It is stated that market failures linked to the technological generation (such as externalities and public goods) and to barriers to entry and exit have contributed to the configuration of an industry characterized by the use of obsolete technology, a low level of international competitiveness and different kinds of economic concentration. These features have made it difficult for the national industry to integrate itself into the international economy and to transmit the benefits of growth to the welfare of the polulation. On the basis of this evidence, this article proposes a very active role on the part of the government to implement horizontal policies aimed at improving national industries’ capacity to compete in the international markets.

Fundación Dialnet

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