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Resumen de Electrodinámica no lineal en gravitación.

Nora Bretón Báez

  • español

    Se revisan las motivaciones que dieron lugar a la formulación de la teoría de la electrodinámica no lineal de Born-Infeld; así como el acoplamiento de dicho campo con gravitación, descrito por las ecuaciones de Einstein-Born-Infeld, de las que presenta una solución la cual representa el choque de dos ondas electromagnéticas no lineales, cuya interacción, a diferencia del caso lineal, origina un campo gravitacional. Finalmente, se comenta que la geometría que siente un fotón de Born-Infeld y uno de Maxwell no es la misma.

  • English

    This paper presents an analytical formalism that allows for a description of a variety of nonlinear optical phenomena occurring when an electromagnetic wave propagates through a nematic liquid crystal. First, by using only thermodynamic and symmetry properties, a closed set of hydrodynamic equations is constructed, which provides for a complete description of the dynamics of a low molecular weight nematic in the absence of external fields. Then these equations are generalized to include an external electromagnetic field propagating through the fluid. The coupled and non linear character of the equations is discussed, and a method of iterative and systematic approximations in powers of parameters with a well defined physical interpretation is proposed. The advantages as well as the limitations of the approach are also discussed

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