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Resumen de Ce que la reconstruction comparative peut apporter à la morphologie constructionnelle. Une cavalcade étymologique

Éva Buchi, Annalena Hütsch, Elodie Jactel

  • This paper reconsiders the etymology of the lexical units Cat. cavalcar, encavalcar, descavalcar and their cognates, e.g. Span. cabalgar, Port. encavalgar, or It.

    discavalcare. An ?etymological cavalcade? in the framework of the Dictionnaire Étymologique Roman (DÉRom) yields three Proto-Romance etyma: */ka'ßall-?k-a-/, */?n-ka'ßall-?k-a-/, and */d?s-ka'ßall-?k-a-/. These etyma, out of which only the first one presents a correlate in written Latin, owe their existence to the application of comparative reconstruction to the Romance lexicon, the last ones respresenting derivatives from */ka'ßall-?k-a-/ with the prefixes */?n-/ and */d?s-/.

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