This paper reports on a long-term piece of research conducted in Lasarte-Oria. The research has its starting point in the work directed by the sociologist Joxe Mari Iraola in 1992, which was subsequently completed with a second part from 2002 to 2012. Through the results of the work, an analysis has been made to see what the main trends are in the relationship between families and young people in terms of language behaviour. The paper will analyse the different but comparable relationships that home and school have in the socialization of Basque. Basically, it sets out to draw attention to the tremendous importance of generational language transmission in language normalisation.
Artikulu honetan, Lasarte-Orian eginiko epe luzeko ikerketa baten berri ematen da. Ikerketak abiapuntua du 1992. urtean Joxe Mari Iraola soziologoak zuzendutako lanean, ondoren 2002tik 2012ra bitartean bigarren partearekin osatu da. Lanaren emaitzaren bitartez hizkuntza jokaeretan familien eta gazteen arteko harremanean joera nagusiak zein diren aztertzen da. Etxeak eta eskolak euskararen sozializazioan duten harreman desberdinak baina konparagarriak aztertuko dira artikuluan. Azken finean, belaunez belauneko hizkuntzaren transmisioak hizkuntza normalizaziorako duen berebiziko garrantziaz ohartarazi nahi da.
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