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Resumen de Self-help Development for Welfare Provision, the People Inputs in Participation

Alejandro Natal Martínez

  • The present paper is about people 's particiption the provision of service of poverty relief. It presents some preliminary conclusions of the first year of research actiivities within the project "Participación Popular en el Desarrollo Social" ("People's Participation in Social Development") currently being carried out at the Centro de Investigación en Ciencia Política y Administración Pública of the "Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Administración Pública of the UAEM.  As part of a large research proyect, the paper focases on the study of self-help organizations. lt analyses the fate of self.help organisations after they are considered as having reached "maturity", i. e. as being capable of developing without the inteference of an outside agent. An attempt is made to assess the devebpment of self help organisations after withdrawal of the outside agent (NGOs or govenment agencies), and the implications of this development for communitg development, specifically in terms of service provision for poverty relief. The research project is based principally on E. Ostrom and E. A. Brett's work on institutional design for assessing the institutional framework and the sociodynamics of choice for service provisión, i. e. why and how people chose to participate in the provisión of service.

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