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Resumen de Utilization of dry unpeeled sweet potato (ipomea batatas) in the diet of snails

A. J. Omole, O.O. Obi, F. O. Ajasin, C.N. Okpeze, T. Olasehinde

  • español

    Este estudio se diseñó para determinar el efecto de diferentes niveles de batata seca sin pelar sobre las características de crecimiento y costes de caracoles (Archachatina marginata) en crecimiento. Ciento veinte caracoles de 86,6 g de peso medio fueron aleatoriamente selecciona- dos y asignados a 4 dietas diferentes. En cada tratamiento se realizaron 3 repeticiones de 10 individuos cada una, en un diseño completamente al azar. Se formularon 4 dietas que contenían 0 % (T 1 ), 10 % (T 2 ), 20 % (T 3 ) y 30 % (T 4 ) de batata seca sin pelar (DSP). Se analizaron la ganancia de peso semanal y la ingestión diaria de alimento. Se calcularon la conversión alimenticia, costes total de alimentación y ganancia de peso. No se obser- varon diferencias en la ingestión mensual de alimentos ni en el índice de conversión en los diferentes tratamientos. No hubo diferencias en la ganancia mensual de peso en los caracoles que consumían 20 % de DSP, ni en la dieta control. No hubo diferencias mensuales significativas sobre el incremento de la longitud, anchura y espesor de la cáscara ni sobre el faenado. El menor coste/ ganancia de peso se consiguió con 30 % de DSP.

    Los caracoles pueden tolerar hasta un 30 % de DSP sin efectos adversos y a coste reducido.

  • English

    This study was designed to determine the effect of inclusion of varying levels of dry unpeeled dry sweet potato on growth characteristics and cost analysis of growing snails (Archachatina marginata). One hundred and twenty snails of mean weight of 86.6 g were randomly selected and allotted to 4 dietary treatments. Each treatment was replicated thrice with ten snails per replicate in a completely randomized design. Four diets were formulated to contain 0 % (T 1 ), 10 %(T 2 ), 20 % (T 3 ), 30 % (T 4 ) dry unpeeled sweet potato (DSP) of the entire diet. The parameters taken were weight gain, feed intake on weekly and daily basis respectively. Feed conversion ratio, total feed cost, and cost per weight gain were calculated.

    Significant differences were not observed in the mean monthly feed intake of snails fed diet containing varied levels of DSP (p>0.05). There were no significant differences in the mean monthly weight gain of snails fed diet containing 20 % DSP and the control diet (p>0.05). The feed conversion ratios were not significantly different from one another (p>0.05). The dietary treatments had no significant effect on the mean monthly shell length, width and thickness increment and dressing percentage of the snails (p>0.05). The lowest cost/weight gain was recorded in the diet containing 30 % DSP. Snail could tolerate up to 30 % dry unpeeled sweet potato in the diet without any adverse effect but at a reduced cost.

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