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Resumen de Comportamiento de nueve cultivares de sorgo forrajero en Portuguesa, Venezuela

R. O. Gonzalez Torrealba, W. Y. Sequera Mirelli, Y. Graterol

  • español

    Para evaluar su potencial forrajero se compararon nueve cultivares de sorgos (Sorghum bicolor, L. Moench) 'Grazer-M', 'CB-32752', 'CB-324727% 'Sudan Cross', 'Ismael', 'Choro', 'CB-30631', 'Tecnosen' y 'Maracay', durante la fase de grano lechoso, utilizando un diseño de bloques completamente al azar con tres replicaciones. El experimento se realizó durante el periodo Octubre-Diciembre del 2002 y 2003, en la localidad de Turen, estado Portuguesa, Venezuela, en suelos de textura arcillo limosa y de mediana fertilidad. Fueron caracterizados biométricamente en cuanto a días de floración, altura de planta, numero de hijos básales, número de hojas, rendimientos de materia verde y de materia seca, y composición química. Se aplicó una fertilización básica a razón de 300 kg/ha de la formula comercial 12-24-12 y un reabono con urea en dosis de 250 kg/ha a los 25 días después de la germinación. Los resultados obtenidos evidenciaron la gran capacidad del sorgo para constituirse en componente importante de los sistemas de producción bovina de carne y leche, con producción promedios de 54,96 y 39,40 t/ha MV (materia verde) y una productividad con valores de 23,35 y 11,50 t/ha MS (materia seca), el análisis estadístico reveló diferencias altamente significativas (p

  • English

    To evalúate the forage potential of nine sorghum (Sorghum bicolor, L. Moench) cultivars: 'Grazer-M, 'CB-32752', 'CB-324727', 'Sudan Cross', 'Ismael, Choro', 'CB-30631', 'Tecnosen' and 'Maracay', a randomized complete block design with three replications was used. The experiment was conducted between Octuber and December during the 2002 and 2003 growing season, in Turen, Portuguesa state, Venezuela, on a silty clayed soil with médium fertility. Cultivars were biometrically characterized through days to flowering, plant height, tiller and leaf number, green and dry matter yield, besides their plant nutrient content. A basic fertilization with a complete formula (12-24-12, 300 kg/ha) + urea (250 kg/ha) 25 days after germination was applied. Results showed a grain sorghum potential to be an important component of the milk and meat cattle production systems, with mean of 54.96 and 39.40 t/ha of green matter yield and 23.35 and 11.50 t/ha of dry matter yield. Statistical analysis resulted in highly significant differences among cultivars for green and dry matter yields. With regard to plant height, significant differences (p?0.05) among cultivars were observed during the two growing season. Green and dry matter yields were affected by environmental conditions with higher valúes during the 2002 growing season. With a plant nutrient content standpoint, results of the 2002 laboratory analysis, showed a high nutritional valué of the cultivars.

    We concluded that forage sorghum cultivars evaluated in this study showed a great potential for their utilization in animal feeding.

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