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Resumen de Aspectos actuales de la ganadería de montaña

Pedro Montserrat Recoder

  • español

    Se aborda el problema de unas comunidades humanas arraigadas, abandonadas por el resto de la sociedad y condenadas a sucumbir ante el consumo de paisaje actual. Intento sugerir posibles re ciclados a nivel comarcal y soluciones posibles, tanto en el campo de investigación científica, como de la planificación territorial

  • English

    Key words: systems evolution, natural selection and culture, cultural hibridation, rural development, migrations, landscape-use, feed back regulation, conservation, vital education, good shepherds. Pyrenecs.

    The human problem of rural communities abandoned by our society and condemned to extinction by present-day spoliation of the countryside is dealt with here. Recycling of country elements in the field of scientific reserach and, as well, in that of land-use is suggested

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