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Resumen de Efecto del estado de madurez de la planta sobre la productividad de la veza. Rendimientos en proteína y energía

Jesús Treviño Muñoz, Rafael Caballero García de Arévalo, J. Gil

  • español

    Los rendimientos en proteína (kg/Ha) y en energía (unidades forrajeras I Ha) fueron estudiados en siete cultivares y poblaciones de veza cosechados a cuatro estados de madurez de la planta: floración, legumbres muy inmaduras, legumbres medianamente maduras y legumbres maduras. Los resultados mostraron variaciones significativas entre los tratamientos (P

  • English

    The effect of the harvesting stage on dry-matrer, protein and energy yields ot seven varieties of common vetch (V. sativa) and hairy vetch (V. villosa) were studied under semiarid conditions in two successive years. Plants were harvested at four stages from flowering to mature legume.

    Protein yields varied significantly (P<0,05) with plant maturity, being also influenced by environmental conditions.

    Energy yields, expressed as feed units per hectare, were the highest when vetches were harvested at the stage ot plant with very immature legumes. A criterion based on harvesting at this stage is recommended to reach máximum yield ot energy from the crop.

Fundación Dialnet

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